Ancient egyptian teleportation ritual She bit his icy neck Drains the life out of him Replenishing her own cherished youth The nile flows The nile flows The nile flows The nile flows The nile flows Yes and on three separate astral planes She's separated, subdivided herself Comingling with those of the leopard with the reptile heads (the redeemer) She tested his wrath (he's been offended) How the nile flows How the nile flows How the nile flows How the nile flows Four silver shining ships Flying in formation over the canyon Piercing the atmosphere Secret cargo with a destination unknown Last hope for a desparate world! He runs down the valley pointing up and shouting: The sky is pregnant! The sky is pregnant! The sky is pregnant! The sky is pregnant! The sky is pregnant! The sky is pregnant! The sky is pregnant! The sky is pregnant! The sky is pregnant!