I listen to Coltrane while I put on my pantyhose I listen to Miles Davis while I dance to the men I don't know It's a wild wild world for a girl especially for a whore I was working on the streets with my boots and some bruises Money for the kids for the boos and for my boots, man It's a wild wild world for a girl especially for a whore This Charlie something came one night He came by myside and stood He offered me a drink, a talk, a fuck, a ring Three months ago I was a whore now I'm a bride I'm a bride I'm a bride For some I'm a drunk bride For others I'm a red bride Three months ago I was a whore, a big fat whore Now I listen to Coltrane and put on my pantyhose just for you, Charlie I listen to Miles Davis and dance for you, Charlie. Man I miss the nights on the streets The lights and the sins Charlie, I miss being drunk but I need my money Where are my boos? I'm sure marriage is not for me For some I'm a drunk bride For others I'm a red bride