Beneath the sediment of aeons In ancient repose My trust lay eroded by age The old glory faded And past times forgotten My reign given way to my rage Harmonious the centuries The land and I were one My Soil My water, My air Bringer of light And Master of night In balance The earth in my care But with the passing of days A new wind came blowing With whispers of change On its wing This tide of corruption Laid siege to my world Usurping the throne of a King Your new gods Your new ways All seek to dispel me With doctrines of fear built on lies The hidden one no longer I claim my dominion To the sun of your age I arise... ...Of your anger Your anger Your ignorance Your blindness Your greed Your progress Your conquest Your mania Your need Your sorrow Your sickness Your final, parting breath Your hatred Your bloodshed Your future Your death I will have none I will have none I will have none I will have none I, dread lord of shadows With broken spell unto this dying age I bid farewell...