Scheiße! Dieter Bohlen, the blond dork From Modern fucking Talking A cunt hungry German A horny drooling dog He's flirting, dancing and kissing And his third leg is growing big Spread 'em flithy bitch Here comes the ramming meat log Once again - He's got it made Once again - He's getting laid Once again - Dieter scores Fuck, Fuck, Fuck - More, More, More But Dieter! You missed the fucking hole Broken Cock [3x] But Dieter! You missed the fucking CUNT! Scheiße! Dieter screams in pain His fucktool is gushing blood His once proud rock hard soldier Is now an useless eel But you know you can't Keep a cunt obsessed man down So Dieter soon returned With a boner of steel Once again - He's got it made Once again - He's getting laid Once again - Dieter scores Fuck, Fuck, Fuck - More, More, More Repeater You missed the fucking hole Broken Cock [7x] But Dieter! You missed the fucking CUNT! Broken - Broken Cock [16x]