When you go out, with or without cash You act the same way, the way all about it yeah! Spend it all in beer, invest it all in gear. Burn it on a perfume and hope she buys your cheap talk. Bitch! It's all about the money It's allabout the way you throw it all away It's all about the money It's all about the way you get laid Have it in your pocket or have it in your head Take it as plastic and spend what you don't have Buy a house! Buy a car! Or try a new guitar! Buy somebody's feelings with your brand new credit card. Give it up! It's all about the money It's all about the way you throw it all away It's all about the money It's all about how fast you're broke and horny It's all about the money It's all about the way you throw it all away It's all about the money It's all about the way you get laid Instrumental Money talks, bullshit walks. Heaven is above us and Jesus wears crocks. You like it green, you like it gold. You're hidden under dread looks and a rock ´n roll tattoo, I walk like the bull, and shit dollar bill$ over you! It's all about the money It's all about the way you throw it all away It's all about the money It's all about how fast you're broke and horny It's all about the money It's all about the way you throw it all away It's all about the money It's all about the way… Just like in L.A…