Fade out the stress and lack of confidence now Fade in all that I have been again somehow I get lost in these thoughts and speak so quietly I've drowned myself out High above these thoughts and no I'm not unhappy now It's just a state of mind I've translated into sound And in this time...I will decide...and analyze why... I think this through...too many times...and realize I'm/I'll... Write this song...to think it through...too many times I... I await this...lie awake too many times I... Will analyze...and pre-decide...this state of mind... I relate this...come to face this state of mind... If I feel this way I'll get drowned in the weight of it all If it's too late I'll be drowned in the weight of it all I need to escape or get drowned in the weight of it all I can't explain... drowned in the weight of it all If feelings change I can rise up and face These strange ways that my mind sometimes takes Thoughts sway this way and out of my head...she said... She said it...she said it all You're too uptight...your perspective is off She said it all...or something like that Oh I know I get drowned in the weight of it all It feels so small to get drowned in the weight of it all Relax, calm down and just listen close to the sound Of her voice, a comfortable place I have found What would your lover say...drowned in the weight of it all...