Show me buildings, things on fire blow the tv guess my desires look arround all people tired turn this boat, keep drinking darling! Owoo! Owoo! Owoo! We can still go on without the trains minds will be better ,when we think together… Knives falling from the skyes… Spirits running into my eyes… Ow my god the world is burning!! Ooown! Own! Oooown! I promisse I won't get away. Keep nacked! Keep dancing with me, the world is exploding we just have, we just have one day. Well i know the life is not a picture perfect our heads are going crazy and we try to pretend look arround all people tired turn this boat, keep drinking darling! Ow my god the world is burning!! Ooown! Oown! Oooown! I promisse I won't get away. Keep nacked! Keep dancing with me, the world is exploding we just have, we just have one day.