Molly McGuire

Morning Glory

Molly McGuire

One for my morning glory
Two for the early dew
Three for the man who will stand his round
And four for the love of you, me girl
Four for the love of you

At the end of the day l like a little drink
To raise up my voice and sing
And an our or two with a fine brown brew
And I'm ready for anything
At the Cross Keys Inn there were sisters four
The landlords daughters there
And every night when they put out the light
I would tiptoe of the stairs, Singing


Well l got the call from foreign shore's
To go and fight the foe
And I got no more of the sisters four
But still I was at to go
So I sailed away on a ship
The morning glory was her name
And we'd all fall down when the rom went round
Then we started up again, Singing


Well I'll go once more for my native shore
Farewell to the raging sea
At the Cross Keys Inn it was puckered in
And my heart was filled with flea
But there on the shore were the sisters four
With a bundle upon each knee
There were three little girls and a bouncing boy
And they all looked just like me, singing