Frost in the air. Northern lights brought me here Where I walk, God walks with me I only eat what the earth has offered me No one owns the berries or leaves Now you’re in my house, and you call me a thief? You don’t understand What it means to be of this land You have to learn how to read marks on the trees For the laws that you know, they don’t apply here Such mighty words! Are you God? I hadn’t heard Are you the one who made the wind blow? You must be great! A creation that can create? The grass isn’t yours, and you don’t make it grow You are a sham Don’t you know who I am? I do not fold my hands I’ll never pray to your precious God All that I need Are ways to feed your greed; is earth beneath my feet To have it all. To have it all Shaman, you’re a fraud! So leave and leave me be, I’ll drive you away So leave and leave me be, I’ll drive you away So leave and leave me be, I’ll drive you away Shaman, old fool Times change and so shall you They will burn your house down and spit at your name But thief beware: My song will linger here And in time you will be sorry you came My friend, save your breath. You’re chanting in vain