I was watching TV. and I heard it on the News Big brother is watching and listening to you. He's tapping all the phones and reading my e-mail I know he's got in for me I'm gonna go to jail The writings on the wall @Infowars.com I threw out all my porno mags and even smashed my bong. Yeah I love my country the way it used to be Before the government came and fucked it up for me. I'm not a fuckin commie- I even like John Wayne Saw Yankee doodle dandy-been singing in the rain Bullshit fucking politics and all the shit that's said Has walking around all day I'm seeing fuckin red Never want to go outside even to be seen Pressure from this fucking life is starting to kill me Fuckin liberals, communist, Neo Fascist politics Jaded in your evil ways, fuckin die. Bullshit fucking politicians all the shit they do Do you think they give a shit about poor ol me and you All we are a fucking cattle herded into pens Slaughtered for our taxes then left for dead Fuckin liberals, communist, Neo Fascist politics Your jaded in your evil ways, fuck-in die, go away. I was watching TV. and I heard it on the News Our freedoms are eroding and it's giving me the blues Their protecting us from us-they say it's very simple But the constitution states " We are the people" What the hell just happened to our "bill of rights" The government signed them away in the middle of the night I have to hang my head in dismay and disbelief George Bush let me down and Clintons a thief They' got a master plan get control of me. They want to micro-chip my brain- to set my mind at ease Bullshit fucking politics and all the shit that's said Has walking around all day I'm seeing fuckin red Never want to go outside even to be seen Pressure from this fucking life is starting to kill me Fuckin liberals, communist, Neo Fascist politics Jaded in your evil ways, fuckin die Bullshit fucking politicians all the shit they do Do you think they give a shit about poor ol me and you All we are a fucking cattle herded into pens Slaughtered for our taxes then left for dead Fuckin liberals, communist, Neo Nazi politics Your jaded in your evil ways, die - Fuckin liberal communist, Neo Fascist politics Your jaded in your evil ways, fuck-in die, go away So much for the land of the free So much for be all you can be So much for freedom of speech They want to keep all of us on the government leash This is not what my father fought for He fought the Nazis in the second world war What do you mean? America has concentration camp? In Philadelphia, brother we don't stand a chance So much for the land of the free So much for be all you can be So much for freedom of speech They want to keep all of us on the government leash You can't exchange security for freedom Censorship is not freedom- Tyranny is not the American way but it's our lives It's now our lives