The Zimbabwean Sea Shanties Of The Swashbuckler Failing her now Failing her down Failing her now Failing her down FAILING NOW! FAILING NOW! FAILING NOW! FALLING DOWN! seering into nothing which is exactly what you want broken puddles, rusted needles penetrate me, penetrate broken puddles, rusted needles penetrate me woah lay down woah lay down ??? sorry gone for hours, gone for hours gone away from the gallows crashing water gone for hours gone for turning the water on all along the ditches gone for hours, gone for gone away from the gallows gone for hours LAY DOWN! virgin mary kisses Jesus was a liar GOD! GOD IS DEAD! SO! why'd you do this ??? virgin mary kisses jesus was a liar GOD! GOD! Failing her now Failing her down Failing her now Failing her down FAILING NOW! FAILING NOW! FAILING NOW! FALLING DOWN! soon mistaken with lies understood broken puddles rusted needles penetrate me under the skin broken bottles, rusted needles penetrate me fuck me woah lay down woah lay down ??? sorry gone for hours, gone for hours gone away from the gallows crashing water gone for hours gone for turning the water on all along draws the bottom gone for hours, gone for gone away from the gallows gone for... LAY DOWN! virgin mary kisses Jesus was a liar GOD IS DEAD! GOD IS DEAD! SO! why'd you do this ??? virgin mary kisses jesus was a liar GOD! GOD IS DEAD!