Mod Flanders Conspiracy

Take A Ride On My One-Wheeled

Mod Flanders Conspiracy

Take A Ride On My One-Wheeled

Hold me closer, no more hours,
Let this never be forgotten
Hold me closer, no more hours,
Let this never be forgotten
Fears untold, intentions vile
Please pity me just for awhile
Pour the gasoline on my head
Light your matches, laugh until I'm dead
More black, burn my canvas
More red, bleed my canvas
More blue, bruise my canvas
Stretch me out, take my mind but don't speak
Take my eyes but don't see
Take my heart but don't bleed
Take my lungs but don't breathe
Scraping plastic memories with scenes of tainted beauty
A broken heart in purest form reconstructs a better me
Wouldn't it be nice if just once
If everyone would just fucking die