Tenei matou te hunga moko e tu nei i roto i tenei ao Hurihuri ao tangata Chorus: I wear my pride upon my skin My pride has always been within I wear my strength upon my face Comes from another time and place Bet you didn't know that every line has a message for me Did you know that The word tattoo describes the marking of patterns by Inserting coloured dyes under a smooth skin The word moko represents a traditional custom in which Spirals unique to Maori are carved deeply below the skins Surface to produce a groove scar - did you know that Because the head the most sacred part of the body was touched blood spilt the whole ceremony was tapu The tip of a birdbone chisel dipped into sooty black pigment Tapped by a beater to the sound of songs created to soothe The painful process of creating moko so don't use that word tattoo Every spiral has a name ever line on the face don't use that word tattoo Chorus The classic Maori moko has the male bearing complex spirals on Both cheeks both sides of the nose Lines spread between the eyes to the temple the nose to the chin Over nineteen names have been identified for different parts of the pattern Women received kauae or chin moko some copied their Mothers or grandmothers others allowed the artist to express their creativity The moko indicated genealogy, rank ,accomplishment It represented masculinity, beauty, warriorhood, identity So don't use that word tattoo Chorus The moko reflected the carvings and rafter patterns inside the Whare tipuna but some were made so distinctive they were like an autograph a beautiful signature written all over the face In 1815 Te Pehi Kupe drew his own moko without the aid of a Mirror every line firmly in his mind and then he drew the moko Of his brother and his son Did you know that The moko reflected the Maori way of life everything was connected, religion, war, lovemaking and death For this generation, the kauae and moko were only seen in paintings but now those images have come to life Netana Whakaari said in 1921 You can lose your most valuable property through misfortune in various ways you may be robbed of all your prized possessions but of your moko you cannot be deprived It will be your ornament and your companion until your last day so don't use that word tattoo Chorus Korero ki nga tamariki tenei kaupapa ta moko he taonga Tuku iho ki nga tipuna