Ina kaore waahi tu Te tangata kiri parauri Te minamina nei Tama a Kupe Koia nei toru tekau ma rima I tua te kohanga iwi Toona tirotiro Mawehe matauranga e Tatu noa te kimihanga Tau ki toona kuaha E mahara aroha Ka haere mai e I huria puta atu Ehara koe naku Mena ano pea E kore au mohio Ina koe te noho hei parepare Whakahihi mai na Pumau to whakapapa Ahua mahana Ka kii e kore waahi tu Tama na Tangaroa To taina Na nga Tipuna i kawe mai Roto i nga waka tipuna Te toto Te kakano e So he has no place to stand This man with brown skin And laughing white smile Child of Kupe He who survived for thirty and five Beyond the cradle of the tribe Whose judgement Deprived him of knowledge And when finally the quest Did lead him to her door Thoughts of 'aroha' And 'haere mai' Were replaced with 'Go. You are not mine And if you are I will deny' Yet you sit there Wearing your tribal knowledge like a crown Smug and self-righteous Secure in your genealogy Warm cocoon And say he has no place to stand This son of Tangaroa God of the Seas This brother of yours Whose ancestors carried him here In their great canoe Their blood Their seed