Tçnei te whakaô ake nei i te reo maioha o ô tâtou tûpuna e-e-e I respond to the nurturing voices of our ancestors E iere mai nei i te kare o nga wai katoa, i te kahu cascading across the rippling waters o Papa Ahurewa e takoto nei e-e-e and the breast of the earth mother, lying below. KARANGA TUARUA E haumiri mai nei i a taringa areare, pûareare kau noa e-e-e Voices that caress my attentive ears, telling me to listen intently Ki te ihi, ki te wehi, ki te mana o te taiao, tç raupîhia ake nei e-e-e To the vitality, the awe, and the prestige of the environment, constantly maltreated by man. Aue e aku tuakana me pçhea râ e, me pçhea râ e? Oh my elder siblings, what can be done, what can be done? KARANGA TUATORU Me whakamânawa te rangitâmirotanga o te rangi me te whenua e-e-e A spiritual bond between the sky father to the earth mother he taonga tuku iho, he taonga tânga manawa their gifts of affectionate regard, their gifts so precious he taonga mau tonu, mau tonu e-e-e-e-e. their gifts to be protected for eternity