He kiri ki waho, he puku ki roto He kiri ki waho, he puku ki roto Don't trust outward appearances, that which will only conceal what lies within Anâ ia te apo, i ngâ mahi tauhoko Homai râ tô ûpoko, 'merikana whanako. Greed permeates the world of trade. Desist and apologise, American plunderers He kupu kei runga, he raku kei raro He kupu kei runga, he raku kei raro Words float above, but deception lies beneath Turakina te Roopu Tauhoko o te Motu taiao hurumutu, koia pû te utu. The World Trade Organisation needs to be stopped, or death to the environment is an inevitable. Hînana ki uta, hînana ki tai Hînana ki uta, hînana ki tai Keep the food sources of indigenous people protected, and well stocked - these that are inherently theirs. Inâ râ Te Heuheu, whângai i te makiu tikanga mau tonu, heke iho, tapu. Such was the great storage house o Te Heuheu, which fed visitors from near and far, of all ethnicities. An ancient custom of the Maori, still adhered today, still sacred.