Moana nui-â-Kiwa Destination Pacific Pûkarakara mai e Palm Trees, Coconut Trees Pâinaina ra Lying in the sand Pûangi miri kiri Feeling nothing but a cool breeze Âio ana te rangi Turn the page every hour Parea ana te ao papâ e Turn your back on a troubled world Te mâoriori ra, marino Sleep until the sun goes down Pâkirakira Don't think Te môhio ai koe You don't know me Pâkirakira Don't act Te kite ai koe Like you don't see me Pâkirakira Don't pretend Te taea e koe. You can't do anything at all Matika! Whâura te mahuta I te moana â Kiwa There's Fire in Paradise Kei te waha o te parata Dili town is burning a Timor, kua raru noa Timor is on her knees Rau tau e riri ana 100 years of occupation Hurumutu noa Who are we to have expectations? Rânei Pû nô Amerika Arms from American Kore aroha nô te ao Cold shoulder from the world Anâ, nâ whai anô? Is it any wonder? Hinengaro koe ki a râtou? Do you ever see them in your mind?