Ko te kuini Ingarangi whakrite whakaae ko nga rangatira nga hapu Nga tangata katoa o Niu Tireni te tino rangatiratanga O ratou whenua kainga taonga e Chorus: Won't go away, Treaty won't go away (2x) Treaty, written in the skies Treaty, written in the hearts of mankind Represent the red white and black from the abyss Erupt like Ruapehu cover the land like mist Haere mai te po uri uri ki te ao marama Hear the voice of tipuna Echo throughout the valley Honour what was signed cuz in 1840 Attacking our peops spirituality self autonomy fought for With a vengence resurrect organise to seek justice so upliftment is assured Takaahia Chorus Subjected to apartheid segregated, seperated, destroyed from within Deprived of heritage in the system Swearing allegiance to the Queen of mother England Tino rangatiratanga, the chant you hear from the angle of tangata whenua Engulf in craniums with this from the cerebellum But we're hungry from knowledge of self with strictest emphasis on the upliftment of consciousness Whakarongo mai listen up tonite No one can sign away my birthright Ko nga rangatira o te wakaminenga Me nga rangatira katoa kihai I uru ki taua whakaminenga Ka tuku rawa atu ki te kuini ingarangi Ake ake tonu atu Te kawanatanga o o ratou whenua hi