Tom: C#m ::TABS BY OSHTMAN:: ' E|--------------------'| C#m A I’ll tell you lover, lover, it feels so strong Esus4/F# Eadd9 It doesn’t matter if life wants to prove us wrong Bsus4 We’ve gotta make it through, mh, we’ve gotta Asus2 make it through C#m Asus2 I’ll tell you I’ve been a solider since childhood days Esus4/F# Eadd9 I’ve fought a battle for my life in many ways Bsus4 Asus2 I’m gonna fight for you, yeah, I’m gonna fight for you Don’t stop! Asus2 E I’m still standing for hope and glory Bsus4 C#madd9 I’ll be fighting for my love story Asus2 E Bsus4 I’m still standing for hope and glory, now C#m E All the battles I lost and the battles I won Bsus4 C#m This will be the one, this will be the one A E Ohh, I’m still standing for hope and glory E/A C#m And love, it’s gonna be the one Asus2 (Yeah, it’s gonna be the one)