Zodiac, they never found you, even though you left 'em clues. I wonder where you are; you're death's superstar. Zodiac, they found 28 out by the lake, it took 'em three days to ID her face. The primal pulse can be dangerous. (I miss you) (I miss you) Zodiac speaks: And the ones who breathe peppermint, when they ask for change in the laundromat, they will not be missed, they will not be missed. And the lovers with the mawkish laughs, the ones that stare as I pass, they will not be missed, they will not be missed. Zodiac, mystical murderer; corpse as performance art. He gets into your blood- he starts and stops the heart. Zodiac, I think of you tonight as I walk on the train tracks, I'm not hiding from anything, I'm not changing bad weather. The primal pulse can be dangerous. (I miss you) (I miss you)