Billy Dale is mistaken for a terrorist Outside of Baltimore I stopped at a liquor store, to use the telephone, to see if my wife was home. I inhaled the rainy spring, chewed on the raw wind, dialed my number and counted the rings. A bomb went off in the parking lot, it threw me down, singed my hair, and shattered the glass of the liquor store. I saw a gutted van, burning green and gold, spitting sparks; I thought I saw someone inside. I stood in shock 'til the cops rolled up, they took me in, I was the only witness. I waited until the Feds arrived: two men in shades, half my age. They asked me about Desert Storm, the Turks, the Kurds, chemical wars. I told 'em I only know the road- I told 'em I only sold the Magipeeler, Forever Knives, the Eternal Dicer, Miracle Slicer. They said: "You're not a suspect. Maybe we'll keep in touch."