Upon razor's edge existence wavers in an unforgivable balance Of the ghost we are born unto a horrid terra pravus Across black rolling seas a tempest swells, brooding Of which the ghost sees all, yet the spawned wretch roves the blind eye In ataxic bursts our unfortunate movements are governed Oh, the agony! Unpredictable laws preside in a realm both foreign and familiar Torturous! All intrinsic properties vanish in accordance with its command From who declares? The unknown phantom contorts the vile, preserving disease Oh, the agony! Wraithlike in feral predation Seething hatred mounted as the only logical defensive conclusion Subsequent results manifest as hordes of unspoken, vomiting black Blind preservation of the elite dawning is of utmost importance Inequity declares the savage ones to obey all commands Black as this sun (cruel fire) Behind this sun (totality of nothing) Wraithlike life came (for long the agony) Behind black cruel fire (ash sole remains) One ember of fire left in this void Predation is no more And the earth dissolves again And the heads raised high To the wheels, majestic turn As the rivers stop, and shatter All time and duality burn!