Grail of achievement at half length's distance Stunted by keepers of the coveted rank A restriction of time's permutation Oh loathed barriers overturn! Infallibility prevented by birth Unctuous seed prolonged at Parallel ties The morose catalyst An expansion of sheer Evolution A bewildering sense of purity Epochal equilibrium is Contemplated A lineage of damnable filth remains New life breathed into corroded Chains of confinement, memory's heirlooms Defy nature's governance - Retribution is imminent Secret seditious *council - Demigods on golden seats Lie in wait in banishment, Frequent and so full Pandemonic reason, defiant till reascention In the mind holds the key to perception Better to reign in misery that serve under tyranny Oh cursed tyrant! Futile destiny fulfilled Mounting paradox of free will and predestination Defy nature's governance - Retribution is imminent Secret seditious *council - Demigods on golden seats Lie in wait in banishment, Frequent and so full Pandemonic reason, defiant till reascention In the mind holds the key to perception Better to reign in misery that serve under tyranny