Despair! Wretched of man Legions contemptuous march from the abyss Opposed the unformed portal they mass Await the hour to tear the gate asunder Crush the sentry, swiftly and thus Descend upon epic battles below Source of their strength and source of their numbers Lies are the waking magicks of old War! The scourge of fire and pain engulf the earth Blood! Relentlessly pouring from the wounded skies black blood! Treachery! As the watchers fall their hate will grow Hate shall be all the conquered earth will know Destruction! Forces of flame and war are those that rule Chaos! For the watchers slay as would sordid demons mankind! Revenge will be theirs by Armageddon and so Hate shall be all the conquered earth shall know Despair, oh holy ones The guardians in battle dissolve the pact Forged in the bloods of earlier races Protection sworn from darkness' attack In alliance with the hordes of the serpent Mankind, lay down all spears and all swords Destruction and suffering multiply endlessly Forces forgotten will reign once more Once more!! Forces forgotten, will reign, once more! War! The scourge of fire and pain engulf the earth Blood! Relentlessly pouring from the wounded skies black blood! Treachery! As the watchers fall their hate will grow Hate shall be all the conquered earth will know Destruction! Forces of flame and war are those that rule Chaos! For the watchers slay as would sordid demons mankind! Revenge will be theirs by Armageddon and so Hate shall be all the conquered earth shall know Now the earth, sea, and sky all have torn Now a gate from the void hath been born Both the watchers and the unholy do agree Eradicate that vermin filth humanity Filth! Annihilation, devastation, decimation