To where did you go, oh Wanderer of the bleak unknown? Under what suns did you dance and play But when the stars align, you’ll come back to me I’ll call you back to me The spirits move in me The galaxy converging The music of the spheres will sway the hands of time So long ago, twenty-six thousand years I remember when you departed The agony, the ecstasy, the entropy I beheld clarity through strange windows Your spirit moves in me, the spheres are in alignment The stars answered my call, we are as one again Here in my final jubilation let me tell you of my trials The vistas I’ve seen, the places I’ve been The things I’ve done Now hear my lament To where did you go when you died For all that I was I gave to you But you are gone and left me bare Bereft I cannot reach the other side My arts were thought so mighty yet humbled for Who could know the mysteries of life itself? But I resolved to breach the tower Its arches knew no limit Time could barely enter there Its walls containing all the knowledge The power to reverse and even cheat death I longed for it yet the toll was heavy My mind opened I felt the pain all living things feel What is the point in being alive I’ll know why we exist When the stars align