I cast my sight towards the past And remember that which forced our flight Our doom I saw and knew was near But my warnings fell on deaf ears My kin had left though I delayed To greater planes I meant to follow But as I made my flight of passage The chasm opened in my path Beneath me earth faded away above Titanic forces drew me to the abyss Where time and space converged my memories blend Yet now I recall what I saw From within this void something is looming A monstrous presence engulfs me As tentacles probe my mind I’m scrutinised from the rift Its power is too great I feel my light fading As I’m dragged into fell depths I scream into the void How I witnessed As it drew me close This my end I would surely die So I flared And it threw me far Through dark skies Like a star I fell I awaken, I have returned I scream to the heavens Why?