Mitchell Ayres

Make Believe Island

Mitchell Ayres

Tom: D

D  Fdim    D   A    A7/9    Gdim    Fdim      D 
Make Be - lieve Is - land is waiting just for you, 
 D    Fdim   D  A    A7/9       G   Edim  D 
Beau - ti - ful Is - land be - yond the blue. 
D  Fdim     D   A    A7/9    Gdim     Fdim      D 
Make Be - lieve Is - land is waiting 'round the bend, 
D    Fdim  D  A    Em7  G/F#  G   A7    D 
Mag - i - cal Is - land  of  lush de - tail. 
    G             A7        D6       Edim Em7      D9 
In fair tropical splendor, love will find you and then 
   Em7  G/B       A7      Em7         G/B       A7 
To it, fondly surrender, whisp'ring, "Kiss me again." 
 D   Fdim    D  A    A7/9       Gdim   Fdim        D 
Won - der - ful is - land where broken dreams come true, 
D   Fdim    D   A    Em7  G/F#  G   A7    D 
Make Be - lieve Is - land be - yond the blue.