What is real was once just in my head I tell you all about a love that I once had I once had a love and now I got a whole where he had been So there I put another lover in my bed But when the dust had settled and the wind stood down I wondered at the bed-hole and my friend Once my friend Who’s now a letter, reddened, staring at an end Where an end had started speeding up loss he did not intend Please don’t tell my father Cuz home is an answer to fear of unrest Of being misunderstood Oh hide in the nest What is it about you that you miss, that you miss When you look back on all the girls you didn’t kiss Couldn’t kiss because of something deep inside you you insist On resisting for the good of someone else’s good intent I wonder if he’ll ever come again to meet me After the red writer I have been I have been every version of myself I could pretend When pretensions on my honor became what I would defend I defend my honor Feel the unnatural way fear has a hold on you Hide in your garden, unmoved, feeding on eden’s breast