Cursed be you all, judges and hangmen And the silent wicked crowd Hidden in the shadows looking for a victim Just a sacrifice for god Impotence, justice is on your side To condemn whoever you want Malicious, twisted minds Soon you'll be caught by the curse Satan, I offer you my soul Now I will reign together with you Give me the pleasure of returning to avenge Giving you my soul Unleash the demons And the strength from hell I'll swear you my loyalty For this timeless oath Yours is my soul Yours is my death Yours forever If you allow me to return God is denied I have left the light It's a new age Now my soul is black Black as night And dark as hell From the depths I will take you all The curse began You all shall die Too late to repent You dug your own graves The strongest feelings of hate My darkest thoughts of horror My well-prepared vengeance Your eyes will show just fear Cursed be you all Hidden in the shadows Impotence Malicious