A shapeless drawing sight Drowned within the dying night View so thick and yet so clear No human since long lived here A dagger of flaming ice Has ripped through the silent skies And the floor of glass was broken by angels cries The window crushed behind the light Dreamlike demons wake From the sky blood like snowflakes fall Fundaments of heaven shake The roaring oceans once furious rose Now has calmed into bloodseas And thw winds have since ages silenced their screams All lies still awaiting A blinding light of fire raped the silence Heaven fell aflame through the ground Begun was the dawn of Satans reign You were predicted to be slain In domains by yourself condemned You were to die by your own creation That had died one thousand deaths before your birth Behold your childrens blood paint the new world A cold mist now drowns the world New creations are summoned Followers are Jehova are burning impaled Antil their ashes are growing again Only awaiting to burn You are predicted to die