Miss Crazy

They rule the world

Miss Crazy

Wake up it's time to go
Don't forget your belongings
We are ready for the mighty show
It's not too late, we're coming

Today's the day when we can say
That something new is in our heads
And so we took all work away
To fetch the things we don't want to forget

They sent us letters one week ago
They promised they'll rule the world
So hurry up now we have to go
And read the flag we unfurled

Although they're unable to sing, they will win
Although there's no talent they won't give in, they will win

The audience is here, dumb and deaf
What they expect, noone can say
The craving for heros they want to have
Is quenched by what/the money they pay

The moment has come, oh it's great
Maybe a hero for more than a day
Tomorrow they'll wait for them at the gate
I wonder who took their brains away