Did I see our star collapsing
Or was it my imagination?
We've been crushed and we've been broken
Still we stand

The land is flat and full of corpses
We fuck our sisters to stop the bleeding
Another careless copulation
Another gaping mouth to feed

It's no wonder we all break beneath the weight of our regret
Like Chinese water torture it goes drip, drip, drip, drip
The best thing about the past is that it's already gone
So you don't have to nail yourself to someone else's cross

We don't kill to cure the boredom
We like our vengeance to be painless
So we just sit and watch the roadkill take it
Time and time again

This backward life is just existence
We always hoped people would forget
But like the stink and my erection
These things never go away

It takes strength to stand this straight beneath the weight of our regret
Like Chinese water torture it goes drip, drip, drip, drip
The best thing about the past is that it's already gone
So you don't have to nail yourself to someone else's cross

We love you so much
it should make us puke
But we don't eat
'cause we're too cool
And when the cupboards
are all empty
And the table
is bare
And the hands
that rocked the cradle
rule the world
And we've been wiped out
We eat roadkill.