Then without a whisper, the skies of the earth turned black Cracks in the order appear, as the end time call resounds All logic swept away, just so their profits can be made Still their ships set sail, on plastic seas exhaled And death fuels the dream, as children slave in sites unseen Luxury exceeds, and above all, wealth decrees "This land is yours to reap, and human life is always cheap" Still their stocks will rise, as billions swarm immobilized with dread Their behest, rights of men, arcane laws, dividends Septic cults, cryptic tools, praise the palace fools Sycophants, tow the line, speak in tongues, orphic rhymes Black and red, bleeding cash, nothing here will ever last And each and all must know their place Nothing here to contemplate Fear and death, dearth and rot Few will have and many will have not It's necessary suffering From servitude to severity This sacrifice and savagery It's necessary suffering Scorched earth, bread lines, Shenzhen suicides Caustic, dead frost, insect holocaust CO2, salted wounds, surplus opportune Work drones, solar winds, the work of progress has no sense nor end It's necessary suffering From servitude to severity This sacrifice and savagery It's necessary suffering All lives, disposable, like cattle for the abattoir So it goes, ashes to embers all Embers to ashes It's necessary, so necessary Suffering