Calls of distress echo through the maze Whose name on the list is next? This caustic derision, the abject death As we collapse in this open-ended cage Now is all we have Yet blind we dance into the void As we follow the one who leads from the rear Hail to the chief: Megalomaniac! And we're hammering the nails down As we each die clinging to the lies That hold our world in place One by one, we reach the precipice As progeny of vice and avarice Bleak is the vision, the cult end-time These are the days of the faithless God And we're hammering the nails down As we each die clinging to the lies That hold our world in place Rivals—not equals, all against all Compassion rendered null and void Breach and division, moral charades Absurd inquisitions, sanity fades We fake dissent, we breed deceit Each fuels the other endlessly And we're hammering the nails down As we each die clinging to the lies That hold our world in place And we're hammering the nails down As we each die clinging to our lies