Misery Inc.


Misery Inc.

No escape from unwelcome memory. This time it's really, really haunting me. 
Which way to go? Which one is real? What can I take? What can I steal? 
Is it worth trying at all? We're living in peace, this is not war! 

Someone help me with my obsession. I'm so close to giving up! 
I seize to wonder. Don't follow me, I'm going under. 

Fool them once, fool them twice, with smile on my face I swallow their lies. 
I refuse to be one of you! 

Someone help me with my obsession. I'm so close to giving up! 
I seize to wonder. Don't follow me, I'm going under. 
Breaking point of my self-deception, somehow I'm running out! 
My conscience slumbers. Don't follow me, I'm going under.