And then they realised they can't return They became infected with life Caught in its circle of change became slaves To the snake that bites its own tail And they learned to fear and shake To wait and anticipate their return They wanted to hear the word To understand the logos once more Yet all they could see was but the face of God In the works of the prime mover Ember went cold Skin wrinkled Bones broke Veins run dry The hearts emptied And the taste of death was bitter And they learned to fear and shake To wait and anticipate their return The stars gave off all their lights In bright supernovas And the star-dust felt alone For its parents had all passed And the star-dust felt alone For its parents had all passed Ancient darkness returned but The voice of God lingered up there no more The souls became sick of life Attempted to escape By any means necessary By prayers of faith And outbursts of hate yet The bindings of matter And time were too strong They had to transcend To find and see and be the image And not the pattern any more To return to the stars From where they came lit aflame The stars from which they became To end it where it all began And the earth the earth was lit By millions of new-lit soul-stars And their light formed the pattern And the pattern became the image And they left the earth behind