Tom: D Tab by Amanda, ryhtm guitar of In your honor. This is the lead guitar part of, Should I you go?. Even though I'm in the band, I dont pay attention to the lyrics so I'll get to you with those i just gotta call the singer/bass. Rythm guitar is the same only instead of doing E|--------1----------1----------1----| B|---------2----------2----------2---| G|----------3----------3----------3--|after each chord u keep going into the chord it a cool harmony. We performed this song yesterday and they gave some good reviews, and i some kid who watched us wanted this tab. It's our most popular song, so give it a try, and ENJOY. Verse: E|--------1----------1----------1---------------| B|---------2----------2----------2--------------|. G|----------3----------3----------3-------------| D|---2-22--------2-2-2-------5-5-5----7-7-77----| A|---3-33--------2-2-2-------3-3-3----9-9-99----|. E|----------------------------------------------| Chorus: (strum each of these slowly so u can hear each string) E|---------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------| G|---------------------------------------| D|--2---2---5--9-------------------------| A|--3---2---3--7-------------------------| E|---------------------------------------| (finish chorus strong w/ rage) E|----------------------------------------------| B|----------------------------------------------| G|----------------------------------------------| D|---2-22--------2-2-2-------5-5-5----7-7-77----| A|---3-33--------2-2-2-------3-3-3----9-9-99----| E|----------------------------------------------| Go back to verse and repeat song lots of times