Misc Unsigned Band

Dog Poop - King Size

Misc Unsigned Band

Tom: F

Some people in our town have sent in dog poop songs.
I chose to send in king size.

  Written by - Marcus McCrock

Intro/verse:            Chorus:
play 10 times    play 5 times
e-----------|    |---------|
B-----------|    |---------|
G-----------|    |---------|
D--------0--|    |------0--|
A----6---6--|    |----6-6--|
E--5---5-0--|    |--5---0--|

Verse:           Chorus:
play 10 times    play 5 times
e-----------|    |---------|
B-----------|    |---------|
G-----------|    |---------|
D--------0--|    |------0--|
A----6---6--|    |----6-6--|
E--5---5-0--|    |--5---0--|

Solo:play as fast as you can 2 times          start to slow down
e-------0-------0-------0-------0-------0-|  |----0-------------
B---2---2---2---2---4---4---6---6---6---6-|  |--6-6-----0-------
G-1---1-0-1---1-0-3---3-0-5---5-0-5---5-0-|  |5---0---6-6-----0-
D-----------------------------------------|  |------5---0---6-6-
A-----------------------------------------|  |------------5---0-
E-----------------------------------------|  |------------------

verse            chorus
play 10 times    play 5 times
e-----------|    |---------|
B-----------|    |---------|
G-----------|    |---------|
D--------0--|    |------0--|
A----6---6--|    |----6-6--|
E--5---5-0--|    |--5---0--|

That is the complete song Dog Poop song!!!