Misc Traditional

Black Velvet Band

Misc Traditional

Tom: C

Date: Sun, 19 Apr 1998 01:38:02 +1000
From: Kevin Woodgate 
Subject: m/misc_irish/*

Transcribed by K Woodgate

Easy melody Version

>         G                             C                        D7
>  Twas   in the town of  Tra-lee ap - pren-tice to trade I was bound, With a 
>   G                                       Am         D7           G 
>  Plen-ty of bright a-muse-ment to see the days of my youth go a- round-Mis 
>   G                                         C                        
>  For-tune and trou-ble came  o'er me- which caused me to stray from the 
>  D7            G                                       Am7        D7  
>Land,- Far a- way from my friends and re- lations to follow the Black Velvet 
>   G
>   Band
>        G                                          C  
>  Her  eyes, they spark-led like dia-monds,you'd think she was queen o'
>  D7              G                                    Am7      D7    
>Land,-With her hair thrown o-ver her shoul-ders, tied up with a Black Velvet 
>   G
>   Band