From the show "Inspector Gadget" Transcribed by John Kozan * *~cookie q e e q e e e e q q q e e q q q w q e e ||--------------------|-----------------|--------------2--|--1--|--------------- ||-----------0--2--3--|--1-----0--------|--------0--2-----|-----|--------------- ||--0--1--2-----------|-----2-----3--0--|--2--3-----------|-----|--0--1--2------ ||--------------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----|--------------- q e e e e q q q q q q ---------|------------------|--------------|-----------r--||-------------------- 0--2--3--|--1-----0---------|--------------|-----------e--||-------------------- ---------|-----2-----3--0----|--x--x--x--x--|--x-----0--s--||-------------------- ---------|------------------|--------------|-----0-----t--||-------------------- You can take out the x part if you want ================================================================================ == TABLATURE EXPLANATION == ================================================================================ ---------- ---------- ----5h8--- Hammeron ----(8)--- Ghost Note ---------- ---------- ----5p8--- Pulloff ---------- ---------- ---------- ----5/8--- Slide Up -----x---- Dead Note ---------- ---------- ----5\8--- Slide Down ---------- ---------- ||------|| Repeat Start & End ----5~~~-- Vibrato ||*----*|| ---------- ||*----*|| ---------- ||------|| Rhythm: w = whole note W = dotted whole h = half note H = dotted half q = quarter note Q = dotted quarter e = eighth note E = dotted eighth s = sixteenth note S = dotted sixteenth ^ = triplet Submitted by: John Kozan (*)