Misc Computer Games

Backyard Basketball Theme

Misc Computer Games

Tom: Db

This song is on all the backyard basketball games. Go to select player and click on Amir
Kahn. You should hear the guitar in the backround. It should be 100% accurrate.

By: Knights Of Rockville
Composer: Achmed Kahn
Tuning: Standard


--6---6-------------|Main Riff
----5----3h5--------|play 2x


Then Main Riff again (2x)






Enjoy this classic rock song on the sports game!

Here is another version of Achmeds theme. You can find this on Backyard Skateboarding

Tuning: E,A,D,G,B,e

---3-xxxxxx--------------------------------|repeat 2x

Play riff one over this solo


--13b-13b-13b-13----13b-13b-13b-13----13b-13b-13b-13------------|play this
-----------------14----------------14----------------14--------.|riff one 
---------------------------------------------------------------.|time then
----------------------------------------------------------------|use the 
----------------------------------------------------------------|octave pedal

-----55555555555555555555555555555555555555-|palm mute the chords
Trill solo. Play the muted chords over this solo


Then repeat riff one

The last version for now is the concert that they play in on the Backyard
Skateboarding game

Amir- Drums
Achmed- Vocals and Lead Guitar (E,A,D,G,B,e) G1
Achmed's friend- Rythem Guitar (E,A,D,G,B,e) G2

---------------------------------------------|Let it ring

--3--3-------3--3-----------3--3------3-----3--|repeat through out the song
       (pm--)     (pm-----)
Little solo
--15-14-15-14-15-------15-14-15-14-15-----|use tremelo bar
------------------------------------------|through out this
------------------------------------------|(it's a goofy riff)

-----------------------------------------------|repeat during
--4xxxxx-4xxxxx-4xxxxx-4xxxxx-4xxxxx-4xxxxx---.|"And the people will know
--4xxxxx-4xxxxx-4xxxxx-4xxxxx-4xxxxx-4xxxxx---.|when you fight to the top
--2xxxxx-2xxxxx-2xxxxx-2xxxxx-2xxxxx-2xxxxx----|and you wi_____n! Wo!"

That's it for now