You have but two, we have six we can use them to such great accomplishment the sum of all, all of us all outweighs humanity's obstinance You argue much, don't get along you seem to try to do everything alone but who needs to speak in our society we take advantage of our pheromones We communicate with chemicals but this is not as you might think just mechanical it's an expressive art, instinctually smart secretions quiet and dependable Altruism is our way each alone we do not have so much to say we're individuals in a community one hundred forty million years we've been this way With wisdom and ingenuity we outwit so much larger adversaries we symbolize this treasured prize buried deep within the human psyche Between order and instability we thrive on this beautiful complexity we regulate our density emerge in the social biology We get things done... we get things done We get things done... we get things done We get things done... we get things done We get things done.