I take offer of your open window, oh and permit myself the nearness of you even just the scent of what you've left behind drives me in circles of lust oh your crumbs and your dust I enter each room and perform for you might you love me alone for my skill and grace how we tease and chase this song for you I hum in your favorite key please render me adoringly But sweet ribbons you vex me when your treachery holds me fast my adoration only led me straight into your trap I beheld them a gift for me never dreamed they would extinguish me though perfumed, my wings are torn a fallen warrior Oh why do you despise me Only criticize me your wrath collides with the love that resides in kaleidoscope eyes you care not for my speed and bravery you only think me base and dirty but I love you still darling multiplying in my eyes I wished only to care for you make beautiful your castaways you see all life is bound with this grace I regenerate hope with every morsel on which I feed and in return all I ask is compassion and tenderness that's all any lover really needs And now you know I cherished you so I'll perish, though become your dust