Oh Dakota, I just don't know what I want But you're so devoted, it makes me feel like you're everything I'm not You're a settled strip of sheetrock with a flowerbed on top I'm the mess in the middle that never gets cleaned up Oh Dakota, you're angrier than I thought But I should have known it, I drive you nuts when I act so scattershot I'm a shitty set of tires looseleaf thin, carved out, and popped I can't get you nowhere until I get patched up There were reasons for your 'accidents', I know that now; I wish I'd known it then, when I was hating us both in these spastic fits Now I look at you and my chest just caves Either we're miserable or we laugh in bed all day A steady stream Broken up by the constant shock of history All the fucked up things you said to me I'm guilty of acting so selfishly We broke our own hearts, Dakota So take this awkward song as a substitute for our dialogue Frozen on an endless loop I just didn't know what else to do Oh Dakota