Mira Eye Blooms

I Will Never See You Again/ Home fucking coming

Mira Eye Blooms

I put my tuxedo on
It looked strange in me
In a person like me
In a human like me

I got into the room
Everybody dancing into the sound of Beatles
I hated this band so much
And you know that
And I guess you asked Alex
The DJ
To put their songs till I arrive

You looked amazing
You didn't look at me
You just pass the eyes trought me
Like I didn't exist

So you grab her thights
And you kiss her
And put your hands into her fucking ass
But you didn't want to fuck her off
You just wanted to see me sad
Or pissed off
Well done

So the music changes
And the blue lights look amazing in your eyes
They are hard
And troublemakers

Shake it off
Shake it off

Everybody was in pairs
But you were down with your clique
Laughing and talking
And I bet it was about me
'Cause the only pairs related to you
Was the pair of your fingers
Craving her holy terrain
Losing your innocence
In front of everybody
And they got footage now
And they sent me now
And I cried now
'Cause I wanted to do it with you now

I got home
And layed down in the cold water
Of the white bathtub
Sinking in bubbly tears (cute, mira)
And I received a message
Of you
You said sorry

The light of the cellphone was bright
I read it
My fingers would talk to you
But I decided to throw the cellphone away
Trought the glass window
I broke it like you broke me
Shrapnels everywhere
Shmitereens everywhere
Of our hemispheres
Of our little never-never

(Welcome to the Homing)