Minekawa Takako

Fantastic Cat

Minekawa Takako

Fantastic cat
I am a cat and like a girl
Fantastic cat
I am a cat and like a girl
hoo hoo...
I'm a fantastic cat

Fantastic cat
I love cute dresses and cute shoes
Fantastic cat
I wear a nice knee-length of jupe
hoo hoo...
I'm a fantastic cat

I am a cat but got no tin tin tail
Put on a pinkly lip cream on funny face
But I'm a cat live in a candy canvas
And I am happy happy staying in here....

Fantastic Cat
I play my mini mini moog
Fantastic Cat
I play a piece of strange music
hoo hoo...
I'm a fantastic cat
Are you OK? Here I go!

Fantastic Cat
I'm in love with a brilliant Boy
Fantastic Cat
We'll find some tiny tiny boy
hoo hoo...
My fantastic Love!

Fantastic Cat
And I am chatting with my mates
Computer Cat
I chat with world using E-mail
hoo hoo...
Fantastic chat

Fantastic Cat
I am a cat and like a girl
Fantastic Cat
I am a cat and like a girl
hoo hoo...
I'm a fantastic cat....