We are swallowed up in the third millenium Perfect generation of technology and science Stronger than god omnipotent We always fight for a just cause Persuased that our rationality justifies everything But the man fight always against himself We are a new hopeful humanity But in the oblivion of our vanity We forget that our past is our future Each war has its history But men never were able to read it in poet's voices Too much sincere to be heard We dominate conceited of our greatness But our true nature beats... Venomous roots - that infects The human beings - beast among beasts Venomous roots - that infects The human beings - beast among beasts We hide bleeding jaws Behind the weak wall of reason Terror in big wild eyes Will reveal the horror That joins our perverted race Repudiated sons of a wrong god We sowed blood and we will pick death Our death We left behind us the most enlightened age But the darkest age too And now blind we advance toward our Styx