Walking in ruins His knowledge in pain For all he had fought against Now has been lost in triumph He fed in need for stuggle From the spinal of calm perfection “Nothing, nothing mattered, and I knew why. So did he. Throughout the whole absurd life I'd lived, a dark wind had been rising toward me from somewhere deep in my future, across years that were still to come, and as it passed, this wind leveled whatever was offered to me at the time, in years no more real than the ones I was living.“ - "L'Etranger" by Albert Camus He claimed for years uniqueness With rage destroyed in vain For leaves can’t live In the absence of trees And trees will die In the need of their leaves Ah! For what he stand All these years Did only exist to our world! For all he had fought against Now has been lost in triumph He achieved all goals amongst us Amazed he found out that It didn’t matter Once humanity is lost Nothing ever mattered Nothing ever had value