Mind Eclipse

Of God, Satan & Other Artifacts Of Human Ignorance

Mind Eclipse

Redemption is what you desire
Confession is what you need to keep on
Moving without any direction along the lifeline 

Who needs these preys at the altar of evolution
Which, in fact, leads to relentless degradation
And serve such a brilliant epitaph! 

Science might be your perfect weapon
You know what's good and what's evil
You divide 'em with your knife named "skepticism"
(also known as a sign of god)
Bipedal bastard wage it's disgusting war
To end all wars and capture virtue of all virtues 

Deep beneath the catacombs, engulfed in a smoke of sulfur
Machines you once brought to life
Grant you the protection you need
As well as the grave your mind craves for... 

Yes, you've turned the rivers upstream
Yes, you've learned to fly without wings
...yet you still can't make your choice:
Whether it's better to dwell in darkness or the light
...and your soul petrifies in fear 

I've been led by the hand of the reaper
And baptized in blood of the dead
Blood caressed my lips, rushed to my head
And served as a substitute to mother's milk
...it turned me into a godforsaken miscreant 

As a wolf-faced ghost I've been running
From those deadlights by which I was born