Mind Eclipse

Mirror Image

Mind Eclipse

Hear me! You, the blind-born!
Self-proclaimed god whose reign is but a virtue
You, who would endlessly sojourn
Mummified in yet another narcotic dream 

God-like in your dreams
Yet another slave in this earthly world
Can't you see that the world you thought
You've created, is nothing but your mirror-image 

They seem to live a life of their own
But that's just another virtue
For they are your poor copycats
Destined to writhe in pain 

Would you dare to taste the poisoned fruit
For one more time
Would you dare to open your eyes
And behold the real world you're devoured by? 

Your poor naked body, scattered remains
Of what once was man... is just another corpse 

Would you dare to break all those lying mirrors
Surrounding you?
...beware the shattered glass...
Would you dare to make you mind free once again?
Free from the shell you put it into...
Alas, you wouldn't.
It's time who will remove the trail
Of your past majesty... 

And make you realize
That your world is a world of the dreaming dead
...a castle on the sand
...another prison of your "I" 

Your poor naked body, scattered remains
Of what once was man... You vainly dream you're still alive
Though can't really say, who the hell you are